27 December 2010

Snow Covered Contentment

There is something about snow and ice covered tree branches that I find simply beautiful. No, make that breathtaking! I just love the way the snow coats every inch of each tiny little branch. It is just so beautiful...in such a simple way.

Thinking about the snow covered trees led me to think about contentment. It may seem like an odd pairing, but, really if you think about it a little deeper, it makes sense.

It is easy to see the beauty in the trees during Spring time, when the branches are covered in the new life of bright green leaves and buds. Or in the Autumn, when the trees are full of the colors of changing leaves. But in the Winter, it is all stark, cold, somewhat drab looking. There are no leaves, no pretty colors...just the naked tree branches standing alone against dreary Winter skies. And then the snow comes, and the scene is quite beautiful! Here, in Missouri, our weather often flips back and forth between arctic blasts and Southern mildness. One day we have a beautiful snow covered landscape, and it is gone the next (sometimes...or it may stick around for weeks, you just never know!) Anyway, this flip flop in weather often causes the snow to start to melt, and then to freeze yet again, and it leaves our trees looking as if they have been carefully hand-painted with snow. The rest of the scene starts to look drab again, half melted snow slush all around, gray skies, mud... Ah! But, the trees! How beautiful they are! I think many people pass by them, not noticing their simple beauty, but I find them to be breathtaking. I just have to stop and look at them, soak in their beauty, because I know it will be gone again soon enough. This afternoon as we were heading out to town for a bit, I stopped and took a few pictures. I am so glad that I did, because it was all melted away by the time we arrived home!

What does all of this have to do with contentment? Well, I was thinking about how easy it is to feel happy when everything around us is going the way we'd like it to, or is just pleasant. Oh but it is so much harder to feel happy when the good things are less obvious. When life feels ho-hum, and the monotony begins to feel dreary, it is hard to radiate with joy. But, the Bible tells us in all things to be content.

Paul writes about feeling content when he is in the worst of circumstances. How can he feel content when he is facing death? How is it that we struggle with feeling content when in comparison, we are in really good circumstances?

"Not that I speak in respect of want; for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need." (Philippians 4:11-12)

Paul is able to feel such contentment because his peace, his joy, did not depend on outside circumstances. His contentment came from God. I believe his focus was on things eternal, and not his present circumstances. He didn't need for it to be Springtime for him to see the beauty in God's plans and His creations. God's beauty is so remarkable that it can shine through on a cold, dreary Winter's day. We just need to open our eyes and look.

I really think that is the biggest problem most of us face. It's not that the beauty isn't there, it's simply that we refuse to see it. There's a sermon on the end of one of our favorite cd's where the minister talks about the railroad sign warning of stop, look and listen. We need to stop, and look and listen in our daily lives. Take a moment and notice the beauty of God's creations, and of His plans for you. What a glorious work He is doing!

Let us pray that we might always see the beauty around us, that we might always be content, whatever our circumstances, and that we may have true joy that comes from having such an eternal focus.

In Christ's Love,

13 December 2010

Moving Day(s)

The time between finding the house and moving day was fast! We packed up the entire house and held a large garage sale all in a week's time! But, we got the job done, and once again, God provided! We were overwhelmed with the helping hands of friends, and the outpouring of love! I was amazed by all of the help that we received!

We got rid of a TON of stuff at the yard sale and then donated whatever didn't sell, but we STILL needed three trucks to get us moved. I think we didn't quite purge enough!

The boys were eager to help carry little things onto the truck. They were so excited about moving to the farmhouse!

It was time to say goodbye to our big house in the "city", and begin our journey in our new home. I look forward to seeing what God will do next!

In Christ's Love,

The "New" House

I suppose it is rather funny to call an 85 year old house "new", but it is new to us! :)

I promised to add pictures of the new place once I was able, so here we are! It still amazes me how God provided this farmhouse for us in the way that He did.

The road leading to our home...

Our driveway...

Our house...

The dining room fireplace...

The fireplace is just one of the many original features of the house that give it it's character.

Looking out over our new place...

Side view of the house...

Views from around the property...

The big barn was built in 1893. Several of the other outbuildings were built at the time of the house (1925), and then a few were built in the 1940's. I love the history here! I have already found some old canning jars in the basement, and a sweet little red bookshelf in one of the upstairs closets.

We are so very blessed to have found a home here, near our church, and so fitting of all the things we had wished for. God is so good to us!

With His Love,

29 November 2010

Changes, Blessings and a Big Move!

It has been quite some time since I last wrote and we have had some rather big changes in our world!

About a month ago we came across a house in the area near our church. Just about everything about it fit exactly what our family has dreamed of. Rick and I had always dreamed of living in an old farmhouse down a gravel road off of a gravel road. This house was as if it had been set aside just waiting for us to come back! God arranged all the details for us and all we had to do was say, "yes!"

And so, here we are! We moved the first week of November and have been busy setting up our new house. It has been a nice adjustment to be back in the rural way of life. Time just seems to move slower here, and it just makes for a peaceful way of life. I hired one of the youth girls from church to help around the house once a week, and the help is amazing! I feel like I have so much more time and energy to devote to my family and home.

God has really blessed our family and provided for us in ways I never could have imagined. Even when we our foolish and turn away from His will, it is as if He is waiting patiently for us to come back. He not only allows us to come back but then provides for us in such huge ways! What an amazing God we serve. I am so humbled by His love for me.

As soon as I figure out how to upload pictures from my phone I will post pictures of the new place.

In Christ's Love,

18 October 2010

Zoo Day, Hurray!

We took a trip to the zoo with our co-op friends, and we had such a fun time! The boys were most excited to see the new polar bear exhibit, especially since Joshua LOVES polar bears!

Joshua loved seeing Nakita! He listened intently as Miss D told him all about how he is 3 years old, just like Joshua! But Nakita weighs around 700lbs! Wow!

There was a mold of a polar bear paw print, and Joshua loved comparing his paw size to it! My little bear's paw is much smaller than a polar bear's!

We rode the carousel and then took a tram ride over to "Africa". We had snack time before heading out to see more animals.

This was the funniest looking pig I have ever seen! I wish I could have gotten a better picture of his silly ears!

We always have so much fun with our co-op friends. It is so much fun to learn and grow together.

With Love,

17 October 2010

The Lord's Day

I know that every day is a blessing, and church days seem to often be extra full of blessings. I don't know if it is the fellowship, or the studying of God's Word during Sunday School, or the sermon, or the beautiful singing, but something about Sundays make me feel like I am getting a taste of what our real home in Heaven will be like.

The Grabers invited us over for dinner, along with the Bylers. It was just lovely to spend the afternoon together. Hannah served baked potatoes with a meat sauce and cheese and all sorts of toppings, garden tea, and a pumpkin custard for dessert. Delicious! Baby (oh, I suppose he is not "baby" anymore!) Jamie loved the potatoes!

The ladies chatted around the kitchen table, while the men visited in the living room, and the children played so happily outside. What a gorgeous day to run around barefoot! I so enjoyed the conversation about recipes and noodle making and weddings and all sorts of things. Sweet Martha is such a joy to be around, and I always love spending time with Hannah.

The sermon today was about Apostasy and how easy it is to slowly find yourself on the path there. It was really a great topic, and has given me much to think about.

I have a busy week ahead, so I suppose I should head to bed shortly! We are going to the zoo in the morning with our co-op friends.

In Christ's Love,

16 October 2010

Chicken Feet

On Saturday I spent the day at one of my dear friend's house making chicken stock from chicken feet. Yes, you read that correctly...chicken feet.

My friend was blessed with an ice chest full of chicken feet from the farmer where she buys her chickens. Chicken feet are supposed to make the best chicken stock. She enlisted my help since this was a rather large (and somewhat unpleasant) task. It was such a joy to work together!

I must admit, the chicken feet are a bit...um....creepy. I actually was not bothered by all of them, but there were a handful of them that were just plain icky.

First we rubbed the feet with kosher salt, and then blanched them. We then put them in cold water in the sink.

Next came the hardest part...peeling the top layer of skin "stuff". It was tedious, and gross, but we had fun working, chatting and listening to uplifting music together.

After awhile, I hardly noticed we were even working on such a "less than pleasant" task. The company was so wonderful, and it always feels good to work on productive things like this.

After we peeled them, we had to cut off the talons. On second thought, that may have been the grossest part!

Once we finished with all of the "unpleasantness" of the first few steps, it was time to make the stock! We tried several different things. One pot we did just plain, another pot with herbs and garlic (that one smelled AMAZING), and this pot with carrots, onion, radishes, salt and peppercorn.

We ended spending the entire day working on this project, and still had more left to do, so I brought those home with me. They are now awaiting me in the garage refrigerator.

With Love,

15 October 2010

Field Trip to Alldredge Orchard

Our homeschool co-op took a field trip to a local farm/orchard and it was a glorious time! The weather could not have been more beautiful!

Our day began with a lesson on honey bees, and how their hard work helps bring us delicious apples. They even had a honeycomb (inside of glass), so the children could see up close exactly what the bees are doing! The children got to try on a beekeepers hat! What fun!

After the bee lesson, they fed the pony and goats. Little Jamie was fascinated with the goats. Joshua loved feeding the pony.

Next we played with baby kittens. They were so sweet and the children all loved cuddling them!

And what would a Fall trip to a farm be without picking pumpkins?! Joseph was so excited to get his very own pumpkin! Jacob, of course, was one of the last children to finish picking a pumpkin because he had to find the exact perfect one...Joshua was too funny. All of the other children picked big ones, but he chose the tiniest little pumpkin. I couldn't figure out why until he later explained that all the big pumpkins were wet, but the tiny baby pumpkin was not wet or dirty, and he liked that.

After pumpkin picking, the children got out their rambunctious energy by climbing all over the hay bales. There was even a hay tunnel to explore!

The children were so excited for the hay ride! Well...most of them anyway. Joseph was a little afraid and decided he didn't want to go. So, I stayed back with my two little ones, while everyone else went on the hay ride. Apparently Jacob was buried in hay. Oh, what fun!

The grand finale of our field trip was getting to feed the chickens. The children were especially joyful over this part, because they have really missed having chickens.

What a wonderful day!

Through God's Abundant Blessings,
(and days like today those blessings are evermore apparent!)