31 January 2006


We have a signed contract on the house! The sellers cannot close until March 1st, so I will have enough time to pack. I can't believe we are buying a house! I mean, I can believe it because God can do anything, but it is just so wonderful.

I am cutting up some old clothes into scrap fabric that I want to use to make a quilt after we move. I thought that would be special.

I have been so preoccupied with the house search that I have not had much time for crafts.

I made broccoli and cheese casserole for dinner. It was what my grandmother always made for me when I visited her. It was her mother's recipe. It is a great comfort food.

28 January 2006

The Circus!

The circus was great fun! The acrobats were great. Jacob really loved this act with a metal ball where these motorcycles rode around. They had seven of them in there at one time! I loved the elephants, they are always my favorite.

27 January 2006

We Found a House!

Well, we are buying a house! We have decided on a house on 5 acres with fruit trees and a pond. Initially it was our favorite, but then we had thought we would go in a different direction, but we finally decided that this is the right house for us. We are meeting our realtor at seven to sign the papers. I really don't know if I will relax until it is all said and done. I am a constant worrier. But I will try and trust that it will all work out. I think that we will be very happy there. It is a really cute house.

With all of the stress of house hunting, I almost forgot that we are going to the circus tomorrow. We have front row seats.


18 January 2006

The wonderful aroma of squash has filled the kitchen. I am making more babyfood for Jacob. I am trying to get the freezer well stocked.

Today I made a homemade glass cleaner and it worked really well!

17 January 2006

Stress and Needlework

I am feeling rather stressed about finding a house. I am trying not to feel anxious but it is really, really difficult. I have not really been a part of this process before.

I have been working on this needlepoint project that I started nearly three years ago. I hadn't worked on it in quite some time. We don't have the right place for it in this house so I got away from it. It is incredibly detailed and I think it will turn out beautifully. I have made great progress on it lately.

16 January 2006

House Hunting

This weekend was so hectic and it flew by too quickly. We have been looking at houses because we are really considering buying a house in the country. This house is great, other than the neighbors and the lack of privacy. And life is so fast paced here. I think we are just longing for a comfortable place to settle down and raise our family.

Today I am making baby food and a loaf of bread and hopefully some cookies.

10 January 2006

Quiet Days...

Today has been a nice, quiet day at home. Right now I am making myself some lunch.

I think that this afternoon I might work on some scrapbooking. I would really like to work on the family album.

Last night we began reading through the Bible together. We read Genesis 1-3. It was really nice to read together.

09 January 2006


Today has been a busy day. I mopped the kitchen and worked on some laundry and other tasks around the house.

We finally finished packing away all of our Christmas decorations this weekend.

06 January 2006

Sick Day

Today I have been putting together a book of Bible studies and devotions. I also printed out a schedule for reading through the Bible in chronological order.

I am not feeling very well so I am trying to stay busy with little projects that I can do while resting.

05 January 2006

This and That

Today I have been taking down the Christmas decorations and packing them away. The house always looks a little bare after Christmas.

Yesterday I worked on Jacob's scrapbook. I had fallen behind while I was busy with Christmas "things". It was nice to have time to work on it.

Jacob really likes his excersaucer. He plays with all of the toys on it and spins around to see everything. He has a lot of fun playing in it. He has figured out how to work all of the toys. It is cute to watch him play.

I made another loaf of bread yesterday. It turned out well. I think I have gotten the hang of it.

I found some really interesting Bible studies on different people in the Bible. I thought that would be neat to study and refresh our history.

This afternoon I made thank you cards for the Christmas gifts that we received. Amy and Coleson sent Jacob a dalmatian wall hanging for his room. I thought that was very sweet of them.

02 January 2006

Home From Work

It has been so nice having Rick home! He is off from work for four straight days. It is so nice to have quiet time together at home.

We received a thank you card from Memaw, thanking us for hosting Christmas. It was really sweet, and it felt good to get a "thank you".

01 January 2006

New Year's Day

Happy New Year!

We went for a lovely drive through the country this afternoon. It was really fun. We used to go frequently but we just haven't done it lately. It was nice.

I have made some new year goal's for myself. I want to learn all that I can about the art of homemaking. I want to bake all of our bread from scratch and do more baking on a regular basis. i want to get better at knitting and sewing. I want to be more frugal with the grocery bill and learn to make cleaning solutions and babyfood.

Today I baked a wonderful loaf of wheat bread. It turned out so beautifully! I am so thrilled. It smelled so lovely and tasted wonderful, and it was even pretty!
