24 April 2006

Playtime with Jacob!

Playtime in the afternoons is so much fun! Jacob loves to spin the globe on his activity center and hear the languages from around the world. We love to sing while we play, too!

23 April 2006

A Visit With Memaw and Papa

22 April 2006

The Bloomin Festival

We had such a great time at the Bloomin Festival with Memaw and Papa. Jacob was so tired by the afternoon that he fell asleep sitting up and then fell over sideways! We just love Arts and Crafts Festivals.

We bought this slate roof tile that is over 100 years old, handpainted for our front porch.

17 April 2006

Happy Easter!

16 April 2006

Tilling Up Our Land

Mom and Dad came to help us get our garden started. Dad was a huge help with the tiller. We tilled a 1200 sq foot garden!

The menfolk worked so hard tilling the land and clearing the rocks. But when they were finished a hearty lunch of pot roast and mashed potatoes awaited them inside, along with an ice cold glass of sweet tea!

10 April 2006

Tending Blueberries

I love to sit out among the blueberry bushes, picking weeds and tending to the bushes. It is so peaceful with the birds singing and the breeze blowing.